It reminds me a conversation between an enlightened person and an intellectual. Enlightened person was very famous for providing the solutions for any kind of life problems. One day, the intellectual wanted to test the wisdom of enlightened person. He caught hold of a small bird (sparrow), closed his hand and kept his hand in his coat’s pocket. He went to the enlightened person who was in midst of a big gathering and asked “well, sir, I have heard a lot about you for providing solution for any kind of problem; hence, I would like to know from you whether the bird in my hand which is inside the pocket is alive or dead”?
The enlightened person smiled and said “well, friend thanks for giving me the clue that a bird is in your fist. If I answer that the bird is alive; then, you will crush the bird and show it to me and the present public that the bird is dead. If I answer that the bird is dead then simply you will bring out your hand and show to the public that the bird is alive”. In both the ways you are trying to prove me false.
By listening to the enlightened person, the intellectual felt ashamed and was slowly coming down. In the mean time, the enlightened person called him back and said that by this act you have given a good message to the society that the healthy life of a human being lies in the hands of an individual as the life of the bird lies in your hand. However, we have to keep in our mind that the enough curative measure has to be developed as shield to enjoy the healthy life. The approach of providing shield to our systems is similar to the approach you have taken to keep the bird alive in your hand.
6.1. Curative measure
Though, science of breathing can be taken as the part of preventive measure but the same holds adequate features to work like curative measure. For instance, it provides sufficient amount of ventilation if the patients are able to carry out slow & deep breathing exercise during medical care or when they are hospitalized. The curative process of course, depends on their strength during illness. During the process of hospitalization, the patients are kept on ventilator. This means, that there is extra oxygen demand in the systems to fight or to replace the pandemic virus. The same function can be achieved with the help of correct breathing, slow & deep breathing and Yogic breathing. The problem of cross contamination of oxygen cylinders and connected equipment is not there by using spiritual ventilator. It is interesting to note that extra quantity of pure air inhaled & exhaled in the process of correct breathing helps the respiratory system to draw the good amount of oxygen as a healer. This also helps inner organs to get gentle massage for improving their efficiency.
6.2. Science of Breathing
Do we breathe correctly? The observation shows that most of us breathe incorrectly. This is because, humans have a tendency to take short path in most of the cases. Similar is case with breathing. Lethargic attitude accepts slow breathing process and in that way the lungs inculcate the habit of incorrect breathing.
Yoga says each one of us gets fixed number of breath allocated. When one breathes slowly & deeply, he or she gets longer life. This happens because, one consumes less breath in a day and inturn, saves the number of breathing cycles; which enhances the life. When we become tensed or angry the breathing rate becomes faster. In both the cases, energy loss is more and after wards we feel unhappy and exhausted. In this process our life span is reduced. The main purpose of spirituality is not to be afraid of, not to have anger, anxiety & depression and not to loose the energy. We can enjoy the life with full span provided we do not have the habit of incorrect breathing.
6.3. How do we breathe incorrectly?
(a) Incorrect breathing
Breathing occurs automatically. We don’t pay any attention. Mostly busy, urban people adopt the habit of incorrect breathing. Incorrect breathing is the process when stomach goes inward while inhalation and comes outward while exhalation.
The question arises, when breathing is a spontaneous process, how can one breathe incorrectly? This is because, the organs related to respiratory system become lazy and slowly they reduce their inhalation & exhalation capacities.
It is important to remember that our inner organs namely liver, spleen & abdomen need massage like outer surface of the body needs. The same can be obtained with the help of slow & deep breathing. Due to incorrect breathing habit we deprive the inner organs to get massaged and by that way they loose their efficiency and working capability.
(b) Shallow and fast breathing
Shallow and fast breathing provides the same effect as obtained in case of incorrect breathing. Another way of incorrect living is to take shallow & fast breathing. This happens because of un-natural way of living. For instance, modern practice of taking hot water bath makes us to take only shallow and fast breathing. By taking hot water bath we feel comfortable but while doing so, we do not stretch the body; especially abdomen and upper portion of the body and in turn, we draw less amount of oxygen. Hence, we usually follow shallow & fast breathing. On contrary, in case of cold water bath, there will be deep inhalation when we pour cold water on head. This happens to balance or face the chill feeling of the body. This way, automatic lifting the parts of body above waist region provides good massage to the inner organs as well as adequate amount of air is inhaled. The lungs get about six to eight times more air than the air drawn during hot water bath.
There are two words shallow & fast which are to be understood. Shallow means drawing less amount of air than the normal capacity of the lungs and fast means the frequency of breathing is more than the usual in per unit time. The analysis shows that we draw less amount of air frequently than the amount of air needed by the natural rhythm of body during inhalation and exhalation. In Shallow and fast breathing small volume of air is inhaled and exhaled. This allows microbes and germs to get accumulated in lower area of the lungs. As less amount of oxygen reaches at lower area of lungs, it allows microbes to breed and get accumulated. Shallow & fast breathing prepares breeding area as well as accumulation ground for viruses.
This leads to supply of insufficient amount of oxygen and in turn, causes functional disorder, diseases & illness related to respiratory, circulatory, digestive & nervous system. The oxygen demand of the body is not met and efficiency of the systems remains poor.
6.4. How do we breathe correctly?
(a) Slow and deep breathing
Let us take the example of slow & deep breathing. Slow means more volume of air is pushed deeply at lower area of the lungs; in turn, it removes microbes, germs & viruses at the same time their accumulation is also reduced or eliminated. Slow and deep breathing helps to remove stagnant air (even though free from virus) from the lower reaches of lungs. Figure shows the process of correct inhalation by which adequate amount of air is taken inside the lungs.
Slow and deep breathing provides good massage to the inner organs. It also allows gentle massage to the abdomen via diaphragm (situated in between lungs and abdomen). Slow and deep breathing is actually a natural & essential function of the body, which otherwise, is normally overlooked. The massage of liver, spleen and abdomen keeps them in good working condition by expelling impure blood and allowing pure & oxygenated blood to replace it. Whereas, in case of shallow & fast breathing, the facility of getting massage and inturn replacements of oxygenated blood are not met. If they are kept deprived of regular replacement of old & impure blood, it may lead to many diseases.
Slow and deep breathing brings back the natural rhythm of life. It maintains the adjustment required for better concentration, creativity and the development of intuitive signal of mind. It is a natural law that if a creature lives in rhythm, the intuitive approach is developed automatically.
The example is the birds flying thousands of miles away (from the nest to another place) to meet the requirement of conducive temperature and return back to original place when temperature becomes normal for them. This kind of intuition can be developed by accepting the natural rhythm of the environment.
(b). Mechanism of correct breathe in & out
In case of shallow & fast breathing, we inhale about half liter of air. By that way, we hardly breathe twelve percent (about one sixth) of lungs capacity. However, if we know the process of slow & deep breathing along with relaxed attitude, we can draw about three to four liters of air; that is about six to eight times more air compared to shallow & fast breathing. This happens because, we breathe by expanding the chest muscles, creating vacuum at lower region of lungs with the help of diaphragm which gets downward movement while expanding the abdomen.
When belly is pulled up the diaphragm is pulled down; which in turn, creates partial vacuum at lower portion of lungs, making lungs to expand and draw more air to fill the partial vacuum portion. At the same time, we expand chest region to draw and accumulate more air in the chest region. By this way, we increase the capacity of lungs to draw more air. At the time of exhalation, the diaphragm is pushed back because of abdomen contraction. During inhalation, the air becomes contaminated with carbon dioxide at lower portion of lungs and the same gets thrown out while exhalation. However, still some air will be leftover at lower portion of the lungs.
By repeated slow & deep breathing, the partial leftover air at bottom portion of lungs gets fresh air during every inhalation and the old accumulated air gets replaced by fresh air. Hence, there is no chance for microbes and microscopic organisms to breed and get accumulated there, with the help of host cells.
Advantages of slow and deep breathing:-
i) Full capacity of lungs is utilized and this way we get adequate amount of oxygen. By that way the oxygen demand is met.
ii) With the help of thoracic breathing, we get inner organs massaged which helps to push back dirty (impure) blood and get replaced by pure oxygenated blood. This keeps the organs whole & healthy.
iii) Oxygen demand of body, Prana (breath) & mind are met to keep the systems whole & healthy otherwise, they are not in good condition.
iv) Sufficient amount of air removes the breeding ground of viruses, germs & microbes.
v) People who return back from shallow & fast breathing to slow & deep breathing are supposed to reach nature’s rhythm. This helps to increase the power of calmness, concentration, creativity & intuitive capability.
(c) Yogic Breathing
It is similar to slow & fast breathing. The main difference is to keep the mind on breath. This means that where ever breathing is moving, the mind should also move along with breath. Another difference is to have the rhythm of breath. We start breathing from bottom of spine. This can be achieved by imagining as if we inhale air from bottom of spine. As breath moves in upward direction through spinal cord, mind also moves along with breath as a rider. At the end of inhalation we feel that the breath has traveled from bottom of spine (Mooladhara) to a point in between eye brows (Agna Chakra). Again, while exhalation, breath starts coming down from central point in between eye brows (also known as pituitary gland) and mind again moves down as a rider along with breath. Both breathe & mind together come down while exhalation. This makes one round of Yogic breathing. The advantage of Yogic breathing is same as observed in
slow & deep breathing along with relaxation techniques. The only difference is to achieve more awareness in case of yogic breathing.
It has been found out that the awareness is proportional to the relaxation. The more we relax, the more awareness is created within us. Yogic breathing utilizes the maximum capacity of the lungs with added advantages by massaging inner organs, meeting the oxygen demand of the body and at the same time creating awareness. In this process, maximum removal of impurities and carbon dioxide take place. This is achieved because, it involves abdomen, middle & upper portion of chest region together during inhalation & exhalation.
The points to be noted in case of Yogic breathing:-
i) Let us try to breathe so slowly that no sound can be heard by an individual.
ii) There should not be any jerk or strain while breathing in & out. It should be natural.
iii) The body should be relaxed. This can be achieved by sitting straight on chair or on ground. While lying down posture it is difficult to get relaxation in initial stage, but after practice, the same (relaxation) can be achieved easily.
iv) Later stage of Yogic breathing, the Kumbhaka (retention of breathing) can be added for few seconds, which provides the added benefits.
v) Beginners can start with five or ten rounds at a time; later on the cycle can be increased. While performing Yogic breathing, be sure of not being strained.
In addition, the following points highlight its advantages:-
i) The main advantage of Yogic breathing can be summarized in terms of increased ventilation of body system. This can work full fledged ventilator as the lungs capacity becomes larger. This provides the benefits of a ventilator what we are likely to derive from the ventilator of the medical system.
ii) The practitioner will acquire more strength, vitality & calmness of mind.
iii) The process of thinking and clarity in vision will improve.
iv) Oxygen demands of body are met for keeping good health as three parts of body such as abdomen, middle & upper portion of chest are actively involved in this process.
v) Breathing with awareness inculcates automatic (inhalation & exhalation) of the body; stabilizing slow & deep breathing in normal case. Though it takes some time to develop slow & deep breathing, but it is advisable to inculcate the same viewing the effect of influenza A (H1N1).
In Pandemic case of Influenza A (H1N1) virus, the yogic as well as slow & deep breathing will work like a ventilator to minimize the severity of the pandemic effect. This is achieved by destroying the pandemic effect in presence of sufficient amount of oxygen. That is why, slow & deep breathing or yogic breathing is recommended as suitable approach to reduce its havoc. However, this should be recommended along with medical help or medicine to overcome the crisis first.
6.5. Helping skills for curative approach
Among them helping skills, Relaxation is the main one. There are various methods of relaxation described in the yogic books. Basically, Shavasana relaxes the physiological and psychological aspects. It relaxes the 3-H namely Head, Heart and Hands of our human body & mind configuration. A relaxed head allows us to see and relate the world and the people around us in a more realistic light. Similarly, we can carry our works (actions) more smoothly and attain happiness in our day to day work. This happens at an emotional level. The emotional conflict is removed with the help of relaxation. Otherwise, the tensed and emotionally imbalanced mind implies a certain psychosomatic diseases. Relaxation of mind & body complex helps to relieve and prevent diseases.
How to relax ?
Sitting on rocking chair is not relaxation. The body should be kept in loose condition. This means if an observer is lifting the practitioner’s hand and leaves from certain height, the arm should drop down immediately like a fruit falls from tree. This is possible when we relax the body muscles. Similarly, the mind can be relaxed by paying mind’s attention on breath movement. In other words, loosening the muscles of the body and integrating the mind along with breath movement provides relaxation. When relaxation is deeper that means we can concentrate better; we can be more creative and intuitive too. Relaxation brings the wonderful results on the body & mind complex.
There are many techniques for relaxation like Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT), Quick Relaxation Technique (QRT) & Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT). In modern age we are under stress, aggressiveness, turmoil & emotional imbalance while carrying out our day to day work; especially, when the people are having busy schedule.
Sleep is another way of relaxation. Though, we do not feel stress or tension in the morning, but many of us feel exhausted because of getting less relaxed during the night sleep. It is a vicious circle to go on accumulating the stress without caring for its removal. In the long run, the same creates psychosomatic disease.
There should not be any confusion between a person who is lazy (sitting idle) and relaxed one. Actually, laziness or procrastination is something different. A lazy person remains full under mental disturbances. He is unable to direct his energy towards some activity or achievement. Another reason for laziness is to dwell on his mental make up. He is having such a state that he is reluctant to do anything. In another words, lazy person or a man with procrastination is having tendency to escape in respect of any responsibility. Hence, they are not relaxed but rather they are burden to the society.
Advantages of Relaxation:-
A person, who knows how to relax can do more work, can move along with friends & relatives, can enjoy the life more, can have smoother relation with colleagues, subordinates & bosses. Another advantage is to cultivate the will power of an individual. Advantage of relaxation is to have attitudinal change in self as compared to others and to have better interaction with people, objects & situations.
During relaxation, we must experience the feeling of body surface awareness & the concept of loosening the body. This provides good relaxation to the body and also for mind. In brief, relaxation means the concentration on mind & breath and their movement together from one particular point to other point of the body.
6.6. Other Curative measure
There are many other curative measures but they need training and they are time consuming too. Among them, they are pranic healing & acupuncture. They have similar principle of pranic movement and removal of its blockage. In case of pranic healing, it is clearly seen that an intense beam of energy comes out from the hands of the healer to the patient. It is observed that the healer recharges the etheric body (the bioplasmic body) of a sick person and in this way brings a cure, provided healer has sufficient amount of energy in etheric body. However, pranic healing is a temporary measure till the patient regains little amount of physical energy to support the etheric body which is the medium for pranic flow.
Acupuncture is a technique evolved in china. Ancient Chinese did not treat human body as a collection of separate physical organs or human systems like modern medical doctors do. They used to treat the whole body as a unit because each part of the body is intimately related to the whole. They actually mapped out the pranic flow within the physical body. Further, they were aware of several hundred particular points on the skin which were responsible for connecting the pranic flow in etheric body which is under the physical body. Needles could be inserted at these specific acupuncture points on the surface layer of etheric body to remove the blockage for the physical (pranic) flow. The aim of acupuncture is to restore the flow of prana. If there is imbalance in the flow of prana then it leads to diseases. These needles are able to correct the balance of prana in the pranic body and thereby cure the illness.
Modern researchers have started more study on pranic body by using Kirlian photography. They have observed that the flow of energy (prana) corresponds exactly in similar manner as observed by the Chinese in case of acupuncture. The authentic approach of these systems in managing pandemic cases is yet to be established.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
An appeal against Swine Flu & its havoc
It is a saying that “Prevention is better than cure”. The same principle has to be adopted in case of swine flu and its havoc as till there is absence of any medical & scientific development to prevent & cure the swine flu.
After large death toll, all over the world due to virus and its sign of spreading beyond human control drew the attention of many to search any kind of remedial aspects to have some solace by preventing or controlling this.
Self is an active spiritual practitioner after retirement from the Department of Atomic Energy (Government of India). I was associated with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri while I was performing my technical responsibilities in the Department of Atomic energy. After the retirement, I also got associated with YSS (Yogda Sat Sang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
(For detail resume please see the blog http://www.ancientindianwisdom.blogspot.com ).
On 10th evening, while I was meditating, I got a question “whether swine flu could be overcome or cured with the help of yoga or not?” After some time, intuitive message came that “Yes, there are methods available in yogic practice given by spiritual masters (Rishis) and same can be used as preventive approach against swine flu”.
After meditation, I fortunately opened a book “A systematic course in the Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of Bihar school of yoga
(The book reprinted in 2007; inscribed by Nischalananda Saraswati, UK; Emendated by Swami Mangalmurti Saraswati , Australia ). This book contains ancient spiritual wisdom along with modern scientific wisdom written, reviewed and amended by highly elevated spiritual masters.
What is swine flu?
In common man’s language, swine flu has following characteristics such as (i) running nose (ii) suffering from cough and cold (iii) having fever (iv) vomiting sensation (v) Dizziness (giddiness). The symptoms number (i) & (ii) are mainly related to nostrils; symptom (iii) is mainly related to thyroid glands; symptom (iv) is mainly related to digestive system and symptom (v) is mainly related to respiratory system & central nervous system.
The scientific methods of any kind, which can prevent these systems to get affected, will be of use to overcome or control swine flu. Fortunately, scientific yogic practices explained in the above book can help as preventive measures for common people against the swine flu virus. At the same time they can be used as therapeutic practice for those who are affected at initial stage.
In brief, yogic practices related to nostril, thyroid gland, digestive system, respiratory system and central nervous system are to be utilized to strengthen these systems of the body as a preventive measure to remain immune to the swine flu or related virus of this kind.
Ancient Yogic practice against swine flu
Scientific yogic kriyas and practices are available to make the body system immune against this kind of virus. After intuitive signal, I thought to bring out those yogic practices available in scripture for the benefit of mankind.
I. Jala Neti
At first glance, I opened the topic of kriya like “Jala Neti” which provides the methodology to create resistance within human system to face the viruses like swine flu.
Jala Neti is a process of inserting warm salt water through one nostril and let the same to come out through the other nostril under gravitational and natural flow of water.
The advantage of Neti is to prevent and eliminate colds. It is an effective cure for the common cold along with removal of breeding ground for any kind of viruses.
The indication of cold shows something significant when our body is in weak condition. The mucus due to cold around the inner portion of the nostrils makes the good ground for the dangerous and infectious virus to breed; like mosquitoes breed at stagnant water.
Jala Neti cleans the mucus (Breeding ground of infectious virus) and makes the capillaries of inner nostril strong to have pure flow of blood rich in oxygen. This will not allow the virus to further sustain for longer.
While Jala Neti cleaning, the virus could be unable to penetrate the defenses of human system; our auto therapeutic could be strong enough to withstand such an attack. Otherwise, the virus flourishes in nerve tissues, particularly the olfactory nerves in the nose. During virus attack, neti generally helps by removing the accumulated mucus in the nose which otherwise is a breeding ground for the virus.
By Neti, the nasal passages work at optimum efficiency and their by help to maintain a healthy body. It is better to remember that breathing through the mouth or insufficient treatment of the inhaled air prior to the entry into the lungs, due to nasal blockage and congestion, can encourage the onset of disease , by allowing germs to infect the lungs , or by generally weakening the state of the health of the body.
The other advantages of the Neti is to help in curing sinusitis , elements of eyes , nose and throat , tonsillitis , catarrh as well as inflammation of the adenoids and mucus membrances.It is effective in removing , headaches , insomnia and tiredness . Jala neti has a subtle influence on the various nerves which end in nasal passages, such as the olfactory bulb and other adjacent nerves which innervate the eyes, ear etc. This has very soothing influence on the brain and can help to relieve such elements such as migraine, epilepsy, depression and tension.
Neti helps to prevent and cure lung diseases such as asthma , pneumonia , bronchitis , pulmonary tuberculosis etc .Respiration becomes much easier which leads to an improved intake of oxygen , improved removal of carbon dioxide and consequently better health. The symptoms of fever and giddiness due to swine flu could be removed when lungs are kept in healthy condition.
The above book describes how jala neti is helpful for removal of breeding ground of virus, making thyroid gland and lungs effective. If only this yogic kriya (Jala Neti) is regularly practiced by an individual (old, young & student), the virus like swine flu can be prevented.
To have the firewall against swine flu virus, other techniques of yogic system could be used such as Dhauti, Simha mudra, Relaxation and Pranayama along with jala neti.
II .Simha Kriya (Lion’s Yawn)
Another approach described in the yogic book is Simha Kriya (Lion’s yawn).It is a simple process to sit erect, head little pushed back, inhalation in depth and while exhalation take out the tongue fully with sound of aaah.
The tonsils can function effectively if blood supply around it is pure and rich in oxygen. The lion’s yawn removes the stagnant impure blood around the tonsils and allows having pure blood around it.
The same kriya (action) provides the massages in throat region. It can squeeze the stagnant blood and send the same to kidney for purification. By this the blood vessels of throat are relaxed. The rich oxygen supply in the blood in tonsils region has wonderful rejuvenation effect; which in turn improves the health of the body and removes the cause of tonsillitis.
How it works
In the throat there are many vital organs including thyroid glands, the pharynx, the larynx and the salivary glands. All of them receive a wonderful massage with the help of lion’s yawn kriya. These organs provide the essential functions of the body, the improvement in their health through the simple practice of lion’s yawn (simha kriya) can have vast repercussions on the liver.
Neck is the vital crossroad of the nerves connecting body and brain. Also, in the throat region there are various nerve plexuses which control the organs of the throat. This kriya stretches the nerves and remove stagnant blood. This inturn allow an influx of fresh blood. This increases the efficiency in the glands and organs of the body. It also improves the general throat elements.
III. Nadi shodhan pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing)
This practice helps to nourish the whole body with extra supply of oxygen and the carbon dioxide is removed effectively. This process purifies the whole blood system and increases the overall health of the body. It improves the power of the body to resist any kind of diseses.The deep and slow breathing encourages the removal of stagnant air from the lungs. The advantage of nadi shodhan pranayama is to achieve the calmness of the mind by regulating the flow of prana in the body. It helps to remove the blockage of nadis and there by allows the free flow of prana in them.
IV . Kunjal kriya
The process of this kriya is to drink warm salt water until stomach is completely full; then voluntarily expel the same through the mouth. The advantage of this kriya is to get ease feeling in the abdominal region. There is a tendency for the residue of undigested food to lie in the bottom of the stomach after all the easily digested food has passed through the intestine. This is particularly the case if one has a stomach with internal pressure at bottom of stomach. This acts as a reservoir in which fermentation takes place. When one eats the next meal this residue is mixed with incoming food and can pass into the intestines. This can contaminate and poison the system, for such it will be absorbed into the blood stream from the intestines.Kunjal kriya throws this fermented waste out of stomach before it can cause the harm. This kriya is sure way of preventing auto poisoning of the body.
This kriya expels the water (green colour) which indicates the presence of bile. Bile is secreted from the gall bladder into the intestines below the stomach. This kriya provides the wonderful relief by eliminating the accumulation of nauseating and bitter tasting. In addition, it helps the asthmatic people to improve the lung function. This technique provides the best possible wash to the digestive system from the stomach to the mouth. It also helps to eradicate the accumulation of phlegm in the throat region which can become the breeding ground for the virus.
V. Relaxation
There are various methods of relaxation described in the yogic books. Basically Shavasana relaxes the physiological and psychological aspects. It relaxes the 3-H namely Head, Heart and Hands of our human body mind configuration. A relaxed head allows us to see and relate the world and the people around us in a more realistic light. Similarly we can carry our works (actions) more smoothly and attain the happiness in our day to day work. This happens at an emotional level. The emotional conflict is removed with the help of relaxation. Otherwise the tensed and emotionally imbalanced mind implies a certain psychosomatic diseases. Relaxation of mind/body complex helps to relieve and prevent diseases.
The five steps described above are the full proof approach against infectious virus like swine flu.
However, at least Jala neti, Lion’s yawn and Relaxation techniques are recommended to have the preventive approach against swine flu. To build a firewall against the harmful virus, one has to adopt all the five steps.
An appeal
More than 5000 years ago, Lord Mahavir stated that environment consist of harmful and infectious viruses. The same can be encountered by wearing the mask on the nostril
(Normally Jain monks wear) and remain in hygienic condition. This is not possible in the present era to wear the mask in busy day to day schedule. At least the practice of Jala Neti, Sutra neti, Dhauti, Relaxation and Pranayama can be adopted to encounter the dangerous viruses, specially the virus which spreads the infection.
I appeal to the world citizens including Indians to learn the easiest yogic method of Jala Neti or Sutra Neti ( Another kind of cleaning the nose ) to have the prevention against any kind of virus , specially infectious. This is easy to learn.
If required, any yogic institutions could be contacted for demonstration and learning purposes; as
Many yogic institutions are available throughout the world, specially the branches of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Sansthan (Deemed University) and Bihar school of yoga (Internationally known first university in yoga). In case of difficulty, interested persons can contact for any help (either related to clarification or demonstration) to the undersigned on E-mail.
(i) Upanishad.an@gmail.com (ii) aiw.an@rediffmail.com and (iii) vedanta1232000@yahoo.co.in
In the beginning Jala Neti practice could be done every alternate day for a fortnight and afterwards same can be done once in a week to make the breathing system effective against the viral system.
Combined role of East & West
The yogic practice can be implemented along with whatever precautions and practices given by World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Medical Association. Till confidence is built, the importance of yogic practice should be understood and the result of the same could be experienced. The yogic practice works parallel to the vaccination against particular disease. When swine flu is spreading and there is no vaccine so far developed to prevent the infection caused by this; it is better to adopt the easiest yogic practice suggested by our spiritual masters (Rishis) to encounter the same.
I hope that WHO, the common people, medical association, NGO and other government organizations can adopt this prevention without giving any colour of religion as yoga is meant for everyone. I appeal to adopt this practice of yogic kriya not with the sense of propagating yogic practice but with the feeling of utmost requirement of the same to prevent the virus generally not commonly known.
With the best wishes for speedy prevention of swine flu
Reference “A systematic course in the Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of Bihar school of yoga.
It is a saying that “Prevention is better than cure”. The same principle has to be adopted in case of swine flu and its havoc as till there is absence of any medical & scientific development to prevent & cure the swine flu.
After large death toll, all over the world due to virus and its sign of spreading beyond human control drew the attention of many to search any kind of remedial aspects to have some solace by preventing or controlling this.
Self is an active spiritual practitioner after retirement from the Department of Atomic Energy (Government of India). I was associated with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri while I was performing my technical responsibilities in the Department of Atomic energy. After the retirement, I also got associated with YSS (Yogda Sat Sang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
(For detail resume please see the blog http://www.ancientindianwisdom.blogspot.com ).
On 10th evening, while I was meditating, I got a question “whether swine flu could be overcome or cured with the help of yoga or not?” After some time, intuitive message came that “Yes, there are methods available in yogic practice given by spiritual masters (Rishis) and same can be used as preventive approach against swine flu”.
After meditation, I fortunately opened a book “A systematic course in the Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of Bihar school of yoga
(The book reprinted in 2007; inscribed by Nischalananda Saraswati, UK; Emendated by Swami Mangalmurti Saraswati , Australia ). This book contains ancient spiritual wisdom along with modern scientific wisdom written, reviewed and amended by highly elevated spiritual masters.
What is swine flu?
In common man’s language, swine flu has following characteristics such as (i) running nose (ii) suffering from cough and cold (iii) having fever (iv) vomiting sensation (v) Dizziness (giddiness). The symptoms number (i) & (ii) are mainly related to nostrils; symptom (iii) is mainly related to thyroid glands; symptom (iv) is mainly related to digestive system and symptom (v) is mainly related to respiratory system & central nervous system.
The scientific methods of any kind, which can prevent these systems to get affected, will be of use to overcome or control swine flu. Fortunately, scientific yogic practices explained in the above book can help as preventive measures for common people against the swine flu virus. At the same time they can be used as therapeutic practice for those who are affected at initial stage.
In brief, yogic practices related to nostril, thyroid gland, digestive system, respiratory system and central nervous system are to be utilized to strengthen these systems of the body as a preventive measure to remain immune to the swine flu or related virus of this kind.
Ancient Yogic practice against swine flu
Scientific yogic kriyas and practices are available to make the body system immune against this kind of virus. After intuitive signal, I thought to bring out those yogic practices available in scripture for the benefit of mankind.
I. Jala Neti
At first glance, I opened the topic of kriya like “Jala Neti” which provides the methodology to create resistance within human system to face the viruses like swine flu.
Jala Neti is a process of inserting warm salt water through one nostril and let the same to come out through the other nostril under gravitational and natural flow of water.
The advantage of Neti is to prevent and eliminate colds. It is an effective cure for the common cold along with removal of breeding ground for any kind of viruses.
The indication of cold shows something significant when our body is in weak condition. The mucus due to cold around the inner portion of the nostrils makes the good ground for the dangerous and infectious virus to breed; like mosquitoes breed at stagnant water.
Jala Neti cleans the mucus (Breeding ground of infectious virus) and makes the capillaries of inner nostril strong to have pure flow of blood rich in oxygen. This will not allow the virus to further sustain for longer.
While Jala Neti cleaning, the virus could be unable to penetrate the defenses of human system; our auto therapeutic could be strong enough to withstand such an attack. Otherwise, the virus flourishes in nerve tissues, particularly the olfactory nerves in the nose. During virus attack, neti generally helps by removing the accumulated mucus in the nose which otherwise is a breeding ground for the virus.
By Neti, the nasal passages work at optimum efficiency and their by help to maintain a healthy body. It is better to remember that breathing through the mouth or insufficient treatment of the inhaled air prior to the entry into the lungs, due to nasal blockage and congestion, can encourage the onset of disease , by allowing germs to infect the lungs , or by generally weakening the state of the health of the body.
The other advantages of the Neti is to help in curing sinusitis , elements of eyes , nose and throat , tonsillitis , catarrh as well as inflammation of the adenoids and mucus membrances.It is effective in removing , headaches , insomnia and tiredness . Jala neti has a subtle influence on the various nerves which end in nasal passages, such as the olfactory bulb and other adjacent nerves which innervate the eyes, ear etc. This has very soothing influence on the brain and can help to relieve such elements such as migraine, epilepsy, depression and tension.
Neti helps to prevent and cure lung diseases such as asthma , pneumonia , bronchitis , pulmonary tuberculosis etc .Respiration becomes much easier which leads to an improved intake of oxygen , improved removal of carbon dioxide and consequently better health. The symptoms of fever and giddiness due to swine flu could be removed when lungs are kept in healthy condition.
The above book describes how jala neti is helpful for removal of breeding ground of virus, making thyroid gland and lungs effective. If only this yogic kriya (Jala Neti) is regularly practiced by an individual (old, young & student), the virus like swine flu can be prevented.
To have the firewall against swine flu virus, other techniques of yogic system could be used such as Dhauti, Simha mudra, Relaxation and Pranayama along with jala neti.
II .Simha Kriya (Lion’s Yawn)
Another approach described in the yogic book is Simha Kriya (Lion’s yawn).It is a simple process to sit erect, head little pushed back, inhalation in depth and while exhalation take out the tongue fully with sound of aaah.
The tonsils can function effectively if blood supply around it is pure and rich in oxygen. The lion’s yawn removes the stagnant impure blood around the tonsils and allows having pure blood around it.
The same kriya (action) provides the massages in throat region. It can squeeze the stagnant blood and send the same to kidney for purification. By this the blood vessels of throat are relaxed. The rich oxygen supply in the blood in tonsils region has wonderful rejuvenation effect; which in turn improves the health of the body and removes the cause of tonsillitis.
How it works
In the throat there are many vital organs including thyroid glands, the pharynx, the larynx and the salivary glands. All of them receive a wonderful massage with the help of lion’s yawn kriya. These organs provide the essential functions of the body, the improvement in their health through the simple practice of lion’s yawn (simha kriya) can have vast repercussions on the liver.
Neck is the vital crossroad of the nerves connecting body and brain. Also, in the throat region there are various nerve plexuses which control the organs of the throat. This kriya stretches the nerves and remove stagnant blood. This inturn allow an influx of fresh blood. This increases the efficiency in the glands and organs of the body. It also improves the general throat elements.
III. Nadi shodhan pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing)
This practice helps to nourish the whole body with extra supply of oxygen and the carbon dioxide is removed effectively. This process purifies the whole blood system and increases the overall health of the body. It improves the power of the body to resist any kind of diseses.The deep and slow breathing encourages the removal of stagnant air from the lungs. The advantage of nadi shodhan pranayama is to achieve the calmness of the mind by regulating the flow of prana in the body. It helps to remove the blockage of nadis and there by allows the free flow of prana in them.
IV . Kunjal kriya
The process of this kriya is to drink warm salt water until stomach is completely full; then voluntarily expel the same through the mouth. The advantage of this kriya is to get ease feeling in the abdominal region. There is a tendency for the residue of undigested food to lie in the bottom of the stomach after all the easily digested food has passed through the intestine. This is particularly the case if one has a stomach with internal pressure at bottom of stomach. This acts as a reservoir in which fermentation takes place. When one eats the next meal this residue is mixed with incoming food and can pass into the intestines. This can contaminate and poison the system, for such it will be absorbed into the blood stream from the intestines.Kunjal kriya throws this fermented waste out of stomach before it can cause the harm. This kriya is sure way of preventing auto poisoning of the body.
This kriya expels the water (green colour) which indicates the presence of bile. Bile is secreted from the gall bladder into the intestines below the stomach. This kriya provides the wonderful relief by eliminating the accumulation of nauseating and bitter tasting. In addition, it helps the asthmatic people to improve the lung function. This technique provides the best possible wash to the digestive system from the stomach to the mouth. It also helps to eradicate the accumulation of phlegm in the throat region which can become the breeding ground for the virus.
V. Relaxation
There are various methods of relaxation described in the yogic books. Basically Shavasana relaxes the physiological and psychological aspects. It relaxes the 3-H namely Head, Heart and Hands of our human body mind configuration. A relaxed head allows us to see and relate the world and the people around us in a more realistic light. Similarly we can carry our works (actions) more smoothly and attain the happiness in our day to day work. This happens at an emotional level. The emotional conflict is removed with the help of relaxation. Otherwise the tensed and emotionally imbalanced mind implies a certain psychosomatic diseases. Relaxation of mind/body complex helps to relieve and prevent diseases.
The five steps described above are the full proof approach against infectious virus like swine flu.
However, at least Jala neti, Lion’s yawn and Relaxation techniques are recommended to have the preventive approach against swine flu. To build a firewall against the harmful virus, one has to adopt all the five steps.
An appeal
More than 5000 years ago, Lord Mahavir stated that environment consist of harmful and infectious viruses. The same can be encountered by wearing the mask on the nostril
(Normally Jain monks wear) and remain in hygienic condition. This is not possible in the present era to wear the mask in busy day to day schedule. At least the practice of Jala Neti, Sutra neti, Dhauti, Relaxation and Pranayama can be adopted to encounter the dangerous viruses, specially the virus which spreads the infection.
I appeal to the world citizens including Indians to learn the easiest yogic method of Jala Neti or Sutra Neti ( Another kind of cleaning the nose ) to have the prevention against any kind of virus , specially infectious. This is easy to learn.
If required, any yogic institutions could be contacted for demonstration and learning purposes; as
Many yogic institutions are available throughout the world, specially the branches of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Sansthan (Deemed University) and Bihar school of yoga (Internationally known first university in yoga). In case of difficulty, interested persons can contact for any help (either related to clarification or demonstration) to the undersigned on E-mail.
(i) Upanishad.an@gmail.com (ii) aiw.an@rediffmail.com and (iii) vedanta1232000@yahoo.co.in
In the beginning Jala Neti practice could be done every alternate day for a fortnight and afterwards same can be done once in a week to make the breathing system effective against the viral system.
Combined role of East & West
The yogic practice can be implemented along with whatever precautions and practices given by World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian Medical Association. Till confidence is built, the importance of yogic practice should be understood and the result of the same could be experienced. The yogic practice works parallel to the vaccination against particular disease. When swine flu is spreading and there is no vaccine so far developed to prevent the infection caused by this; it is better to adopt the easiest yogic practice suggested by our spiritual masters (Rishis) to encounter the same.
I hope that WHO, the common people, medical association, NGO and other government organizations can adopt this prevention without giving any colour of religion as yoga is meant for everyone. I appeal to adopt this practice of yogic kriya not with the sense of propagating yogic practice but with the feeling of utmost requirement of the same to prevent the virus generally not commonly known.
With the best wishes for speedy prevention of swine flu
Reference “A systematic course in the Ancient tantric techniques of yoga and kriya” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati of Bihar school of yoga.
Resume of A N Paney
Annexure - B
Brief Resume of Shri A.N. Pandey (Author)
Shri A.N. Pandey, Graduate in Mechanical Engineering (1969), Post Graduate with “Honours” in “Analysis and Design of Process Equipment” (1971) and Post Graduate Diploma in “Business Administration” (1987), worked as Senior Scientific Officer / Engineer in Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) since 1972. He retired from the service in January 2006.
During his service, Shri Pandey was responsible for executing the various projects of the department and he acquired wide experience & expertise in the field of project management. Also, he was responsible for operating and maintaining the chemi nuclear plant in DAE.
Since 1976, he was equally interested in acquiring the knowledge & experience of “Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW)” through reputed institutions of India in the field of Spirituality. He worked & developed a spiritual (vedantic) model in association with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri; while he was performing his technical responsibilities. After the retirement, he also got associated with YSS (Yogda SatSang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
Shri Pandey has gone through many systems of spirituality in depth so as to acquire the easy methods available in each of these systems, which can be used by the business people for materialistic gain as well as to follow the further process of evolution.
It is important to note that each system available in India has many useful concepts for strengthening the growth of business management and the same can be utilized to transform the employees in positive direction at field of work.
Based on his experience gained in the field of Spirituality, Shri Pandey has developed many packages such as “personality development for student”, “personality development for professional” and “professional development for manager”. He has also developed the packages for stress management, anger management, resistivity management, leadership, self motivation, time & mind management and communication skills in the background of spirituality (Yoga & Vedanta).
Since 1999, he is engaged in delivering the talk cum demonstration on self improvement, change in life style, self motivation and also on inner education based on the experience gained from Ancient Indian Wisdom.
Shri Pandey is engaged in compiling his experience in the form of books on spirituality and business management taking simple but effective concepts. He visualized many simple and effective techniques such as science of breathing, development of subtle inner personality, relaxation in action and meditation in action by taking the themes of spirituality.
His innovative book “Spirituality at School Of Management (SOM)” is ready for publication.
Other books namely i) “Spirituality for ICT(Information & Communication Technology)” ii) “Spirituality at R & D” iii) “Spiritual answers for FAQ on Management” iv) “Spirituality for every one” v) “Spirituality speaks on scientific achievement of western world” & vi) “Spirituality for politician” are under conceptual and preliminary draft stage.
Brief Resume of Shri A.N. Pandey (Author)
Shri A.N. Pandey, Graduate in Mechanical Engineering (1969), Post Graduate with “Honours” in “Analysis and Design of Process Equipment” (1971) and Post Graduate Diploma in “Business Administration” (1987), worked as Senior Scientific Officer / Engineer in Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) since 1972. He retired from the service in January 2006.
During his service, Shri Pandey was responsible for executing the various projects of the department and he acquired wide experience & expertise in the field of project management. Also, he was responsible for operating and maintaining the chemi nuclear plant in DAE.
Since 1976, he was equally interested in acquiring the knowledge & experience of “Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW)” through reputed institutions of India in the field of Spirituality. He worked & developed a spiritual (vedantic) model in association with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri; while he was performing his technical responsibilities. After the retirement, he also got associated with YSS (Yogda SatSang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
Shri Pandey has gone through many systems of spirituality in depth so as to acquire the easy methods available in each of these systems, which can be used by the business people for materialistic gain as well as to follow the further process of evolution.
It is important to note that each system available in India has many useful concepts for strengthening the growth of business management and the same can be utilized to transform the employees in positive direction at field of work.
Based on his experience gained in the field of Spirituality, Shri Pandey has developed many packages such as “personality development for student”, “personality development for professional” and “professional development for manager”. He has also developed the packages for stress management, anger management, resistivity management, leadership, self motivation, time & mind management and communication skills in the background of spirituality (Yoga & Vedanta).
Since 1999, he is engaged in delivering the talk cum demonstration on self improvement, change in life style, self motivation and also on inner education based on the experience gained from Ancient Indian Wisdom.
Shri Pandey is engaged in compiling his experience in the form of books on spirituality and business management taking simple but effective concepts. He visualized many simple and effective techniques such as science of breathing, development of subtle inner personality, relaxation in action and meditation in action by taking the themes of spirituality.
His innovative book “Spirituality at School Of Management (SOM)” is ready for publication.
Other books namely i) “Spirituality for ICT(Information & Communication Technology)” ii) “Spirituality at R & D” iii) “Spiritual answers for FAQ on Management” iv) “Spirituality for every one” v) “Spirituality speaks on scientific achievement of western world” & vi) “Spirituality for politician” are under conceptual and preliminary draft stage.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
How this book serves like course book, guide book & reference book at SOM
How this book serves like course book, guide book & reference book at SOM
1) How this book serves as a course book?
The course book needs to provide the solutions for how to develop the self motivation, how to achieve the high efficiency in production, how to be effective to reach the goal of the business and how to maintain the self control while interacting with the people, places, items & situations. The book illustrates the concepts and methodology in the following manner:-
i) Self motivation helps the manager to get himself involved in the work with interest and make the employees “To take up the work with complete responsibility” ii) To make the employees work with high efficiency (maximum output from minimum input), the manager has to inculcate a team spirit in them iii) The effectiveness of manager is judged by achieving the goal of the business keeping least possible planning, focusing on urgent and important scheduled and follow up action. This can be achieved by balancing the intellect and emotion together & iv) the self control is achieved by growing the subtle energy (emotional energy) and balancing the same with intellectual energy.
The book describes the methods of how to achieve a) concept of self motivation b) the team spirit of the employees by selecting target oriented planning, employing effective employees who are having concept of achieving aim with the help of self motivation (not the patting type) c) the balance between the intellect and emotion so that the mental energy functions like an integral part and generate the concept of work like a master not like a slave and also make the employees as well as managers to take up the complete responsibilities d) self control with the help of spirituality where as self esteem (SE) is achieved with the help of modern & specialized education like MBA. Though, exhaustic curriculum is given to the students / trainees, but they are in paralyzed condition in absence of having the growth of self control. The self control is achieved by balancing the intellect and emotion (mental energy).
The book contains the analysis of gross energy versus subtle energy; how to achieve the positive quality of intellect such as becoming a good listener, having better receptivity, able to concentrate the job and being creative; how to have control over negative aspects of emotions like reaction, rejection, condemnation, hatred ness; how to inculcate discipline, dedication, discriminative capability and deployment of higher possibilities so that a manager and employees can take up the complete responsibilities and work like a master not like a slave.
The book also describes the utility of scientific achievement by the western psychologists and medical world as a complementary process to balance the spiritual energy (physical & mental energy) for effective purpose. For example, how the right lobe and left lobe of the brain can represent emotional aspects (master mind) and intellectual aspects (assistant mind) respectively and how the same effectively can be used to have better management capabilities.
2) How this book works like guide book?
The guide book needs to have the different kind of skills to be developed by the managers, have brain storming capability to generate the best possible ideas, effective concepts on mind management in information & communication aspects and keep the knowledge bank for transforming concepts into wisdom. The book analyses the scientifically and spiritually developed quotients such as IQ, EQ & SQ in order to have the full fledged management in quality leadership, stress management, emotional management, resistivity management and communication management. This book provides the analysis of different managerial scenario.
Let us take the example of two aspects of mind such as emotional (right lobe working as master mind) and intellectual (left lobe working as assistant mind). This will be clear by taking the example of charioteer, horses of a driven chariot to achieve the organizational / institutional goal. Unless, the charioteer is alert and controls the movement of the horses, the movement of chariot (organizational goal) cannot be kept on the main road to achieve success. The development of intellectual mind works like the development of self esteem; however, the more emphasis is given to develop the emotional aspects of mind in order to have the good grip of self control (SC).
The book illustrates how scientifically the concepts of energy given by Albert Einstein in 20th century, fully endorses the concepts discovered by spiritual leaders during Vedic time. The book describes how the human energy system can be taken for the development of IQ, EQ & SQ so that the management system can be more effective.
3) How this book serves as a reference book?
The role of reference book is i) to have the development of skill and concepts against failure or debacle of organizations / institutions at the time of business crisis or fraud ii) to develop the concept or approach of professionals for the growth of educational, economical, cultural and environmental aspects of society & iii) to provide the concrete foundation of moral, ethnic & virtuous values (strength) to face the storm of strategic management.
The book shows i) The focal point on urgent and important work to be taken up in order to have the proper integrity, accountability, transparency and honesty ii) To achieve the proper follow up action the management has to trust the employees; examine the management objectives, aim and concept have been achieved or not; accept and appreciate the duty or job carried out by employees and inculcate the self motivation in them iii) How to train the talented employees to inculcate tolerance, acceptance & appreciation in nature. In case of strategic management, the details of proper planning by questioning how & who to be placed for tackling the problems. For instance, how can an organization plan to achieve higher than given target; and how to accomplish it. At the same time, who should be involved and who are to be engaged to tackle the crisis.
The book has all the potential to serve as i) course book ii) guide book & iii) reference book. In absence of the endorsement (approval) to serve this book as a course book by the school of management, the book can be taken as a guide and reference book (for the time being) for the development of professionability and inner personality of the managers. The special features like relaxation in action, science of breathing in action & meditation in action are the added advantages described in the book.
Further suggestions for promoting the book.
1) The book may be promoted at National and International markets as the same is related to business school of management, other related management institutions and professional bodies dealing with the business administration.
2) Also, the book has potential for the professionals of “Information & Communication Technology (ICT) as it deals with energy concepts to explore their inner possibilities and provides strength for the benefit of individual and also for the organization.
3) The book can be taken as a course book for MBA aspirants, knowledge bank for first level managers, guide book for senior management people and reference book for the business organization.
1) How this book serves as a course book?
The course book needs to provide the solutions for how to develop the self motivation, how to achieve the high efficiency in production, how to be effective to reach the goal of the business and how to maintain the self control while interacting with the people, places, items & situations. The book illustrates the concepts and methodology in the following manner:-
i) Self motivation helps the manager to get himself involved in the work with interest and make the employees “To take up the work with complete responsibility” ii) To make the employees work with high efficiency (maximum output from minimum input), the manager has to inculcate a team spirit in them iii) The effectiveness of manager is judged by achieving the goal of the business keeping least possible planning, focusing on urgent and important scheduled and follow up action. This can be achieved by balancing the intellect and emotion together & iv) the self control is achieved by growing the subtle energy (emotional energy) and balancing the same with intellectual energy.
The book describes the methods of how to achieve a) concept of self motivation b) the team spirit of the employees by selecting target oriented planning, employing effective employees who are having concept of achieving aim with the help of self motivation (not the patting type) c) the balance between the intellect and emotion so that the mental energy functions like an integral part and generate the concept of work like a master not like a slave and also make the employees as well as managers to take up the complete responsibilities d) self control with the help of spirituality where as self esteem (SE) is achieved with the help of modern & specialized education like MBA. Though, exhaustic curriculum is given to the students / trainees, but they are in paralyzed condition in absence of having the growth of self control. The self control is achieved by balancing the intellect and emotion (mental energy).
The book contains the analysis of gross energy versus subtle energy; how to achieve the positive quality of intellect such as becoming a good listener, having better receptivity, able to concentrate the job and being creative; how to have control over negative aspects of emotions like reaction, rejection, condemnation, hatred ness; how to inculcate discipline, dedication, discriminative capability and deployment of higher possibilities so that a manager and employees can take up the complete responsibilities and work like a master not like a slave.
The book also describes the utility of scientific achievement by the western psychologists and medical world as a complementary process to balance the spiritual energy (physical & mental energy) for effective purpose. For example, how the right lobe and left lobe of the brain can represent emotional aspects (master mind) and intellectual aspects (assistant mind) respectively and how the same effectively can be used to have better management capabilities.
2) How this book works like guide book?
The guide book needs to have the different kind of skills to be developed by the managers, have brain storming capability to generate the best possible ideas, effective concepts on mind management in information & communication aspects and keep the knowledge bank for transforming concepts into wisdom. The book analyses the scientifically and spiritually developed quotients such as IQ, EQ & SQ in order to have the full fledged management in quality leadership, stress management, emotional management, resistivity management and communication management. This book provides the analysis of different managerial scenario.
Let us take the example of two aspects of mind such as emotional (right lobe working as master mind) and intellectual (left lobe working as assistant mind). This will be clear by taking the example of charioteer, horses of a driven chariot to achieve the organizational / institutional goal. Unless, the charioteer is alert and controls the movement of the horses, the movement of chariot (organizational goal) cannot be kept on the main road to achieve success. The development of intellectual mind works like the development of self esteem; however, the more emphasis is given to develop the emotional aspects of mind in order to have the good grip of self control (SC).
The book illustrates how scientifically the concepts of energy given by Albert Einstein in 20th century, fully endorses the concepts discovered by spiritual leaders during Vedic time. The book describes how the human energy system can be taken for the development of IQ, EQ & SQ so that the management system can be more effective.
3) How this book serves as a reference book?
The role of reference book is i) to have the development of skill and concepts against failure or debacle of organizations / institutions at the time of business crisis or fraud ii) to develop the concept or approach of professionals for the growth of educational, economical, cultural and environmental aspects of society & iii) to provide the concrete foundation of moral, ethnic & virtuous values (strength) to face the storm of strategic management.
The book shows i) The focal point on urgent and important work to be taken up in order to have the proper integrity, accountability, transparency and honesty ii) To achieve the proper follow up action the management has to trust the employees; examine the management objectives, aim and concept have been achieved or not; accept and appreciate the duty or job carried out by employees and inculcate the self motivation in them iii) How to train the talented employees to inculcate tolerance, acceptance & appreciation in nature. In case of strategic management, the details of proper planning by questioning how & who to be placed for tackling the problems. For instance, how can an organization plan to achieve higher than given target; and how to accomplish it. At the same time, who should be involved and who are to be engaged to tackle the crisis.
The book has all the potential to serve as i) course book ii) guide book & iii) reference book. In absence of the endorsement (approval) to serve this book as a course book by the school of management, the book can be taken as a guide and reference book (for the time being) for the development of professionability and inner personality of the managers. The special features like relaxation in action, science of breathing in action & meditation in action are the added advantages described in the book.
Further suggestions for promoting the book.
1) The book may be promoted at National and International markets as the same is related to business school of management, other related management institutions and professional bodies dealing with the business administration.
2) Also, the book has potential for the professionals of “Information & Communication Technology (ICT) as it deals with energy concepts to explore their inner possibilities and provides strength for the benefit of individual and also for the organization.
3) The book can be taken as a course book for MBA aspirants, knowledge bank for first level managers, guide book for senior management people and reference book for the business organization.
How does this book differ from religious books?
The religious book mainly covers the rituals, the prayers and other aspects of “does and don’ts” of religious dogmas. This book describes the energy concepts existing at different levels of human body. The same can be practiced while carrying out the business. For example, how the personality can be developed with the help of gross energy and the same can be controlled with the help of subtle energy so that both are kept in balanced form. The book describes how the blended energy can be harnessed for the benefit of business, industries, trade & commerce.
Spirituality does not need any Temple, Mosque, Church & Gurudwara for performing as it does not have any ritualistic pattern. But it needs the understanding of what we have in terms of energy and how to harness the same while doing our day to day actions.
The religious concepts provide the different approaches to develop the human values depending upon educational, cultural & economical environment projected by the society; but they are having the weak foundation as they are not the original inner concepts. However, the moral, ethnic and virtuous human values are strengthened by developing the subtle dimensions of human nature, which is normally left untapped.
The book illustrates the innovative form of presentation, using scientific framework, where body, mind and energy have been combined to develop the subtle dimensions of management people. Examples and Parables in the book are in rational form which transforms the behavioural pattern of professionals and managers. The book explores the difference among mind, brain and consciousness and how they are yielding creative potential in business professional’s mind in terms of energy. Further, it reveals how the energy can be tapped for solving the business crisis.
What other works have been published on this subject internationally? And how this book differs?
This innovative book entitled “Spirituality at School of Management” is of first kind in the market to elaborate the missing links between outer and inner dimension of the business magnets. The book explores the importance of subtle dimensions of the business professionals and employees of corporate world.
This book is important in the present scenario, when the recent failures of multi national companies in finance, business trade and also the fraud in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) came into surface; though, these institutions were mostly governed by highly talented MBA personnels having degree from reputed business school of the world.
Many books have been published entitled “Spirituality at works” in the international market, especially in U.S.A., western world and in India. They are of little help for the business professionals as they are mainly informative for employees. This is because, the book “spirituality at works” does not provide any sustainable aspects of transformation at gross level as the managers have not got the exposure of spirituality at their training level while doing MBA. Because of this, “The spirituality at works” remains philosophical and self help book, to some extent, for professionals and managers.
The books on self help or self improvement are also available in the market for personality development of the business professionals. But they are ineffective for transforming the subtle nature of the professionals. This is because, these books are having piles of informations. No doubt, they make the professionals to be aware of their deficiencies, drawbacks, negative attitudes and habits. The book on self improvement does not give the methodology to transform them from old habits of negative approach. Whereas, this book describes the methods for changing the behavioral pattern of employees in business institutions.
The religious book mainly covers the rituals, the prayers and other aspects of “does and don’ts” of religious dogmas. This book describes the energy concepts existing at different levels of human body. The same can be practiced while carrying out the business. For example, how the personality can be developed with the help of gross energy and the same can be controlled with the help of subtle energy so that both are kept in balanced form. The book describes how the blended energy can be harnessed for the benefit of business, industries, trade & commerce.
Spirituality does not need any Temple, Mosque, Church & Gurudwara for performing as it does not have any ritualistic pattern. But it needs the understanding of what we have in terms of energy and how to harness the same while doing our day to day actions.
The religious concepts provide the different approaches to develop the human values depending upon educational, cultural & economical environment projected by the society; but they are having the weak foundation as they are not the original inner concepts. However, the moral, ethnic and virtuous human values are strengthened by developing the subtle dimensions of human nature, which is normally left untapped.
The book illustrates the innovative form of presentation, using scientific framework, where body, mind and energy have been combined to develop the subtle dimensions of management people. Examples and Parables in the book are in rational form which transforms the behavioural pattern of professionals and managers. The book explores the difference among mind, brain and consciousness and how they are yielding creative potential in business professional’s mind in terms of energy. Further, it reveals how the energy can be tapped for solving the business crisis.
What other works have been published on this subject internationally? And how this book differs?
This innovative book entitled “Spirituality at School of Management” is of first kind in the market to elaborate the missing links between outer and inner dimension of the business magnets. The book explores the importance of subtle dimensions of the business professionals and employees of corporate world.
This book is important in the present scenario, when the recent failures of multi national companies in finance, business trade and also the fraud in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) came into surface; though, these institutions were mostly governed by highly talented MBA personnels having degree from reputed business school of the world.
Many books have been published entitled “Spirituality at works” in the international market, especially in U.S.A., western world and in India. They are of little help for the business professionals as they are mainly informative for employees. This is because, the book “spirituality at works” does not provide any sustainable aspects of transformation at gross level as the managers have not got the exposure of spirituality at their training level while doing MBA. Because of this, “The spirituality at works” remains philosophical and self help book, to some extent, for professionals and managers.
The books on self help or self improvement are also available in the market for personality development of the business professionals. But they are ineffective for transforming the subtle nature of the professionals. This is because, these books are having piles of informations. No doubt, they make the professionals to be aware of their deficiencies, drawbacks, negative attitudes and habits. The book on self improvement does not give the methodology to transform them from old habits of negative approach. Whereas, this book describes the methods for changing the behavioral pattern of employees in business institutions.
Why Spirituality at SOM
Why Spirituality at SOM?
It is very interesting to recall the story of a lame man & a blind man, living in bushy area (small jungle) at the outskirt of a village having the same profession of begging. They were competitor to each other in begging profession. One day, there was a fire in jungle and they were forced to leave the area to reach the safest place in a village. But they were helpless as blind man cannot move without the help of other and lame man was not having strength to run around. They were perturbed & not knowing how to solve the crisis. A wise man was passing through the area and suggested them to make an integral personality so that both can come out of the fire and reach the safest place. The blind man was suggested to take the lame man (having eye sight) on his shoulder who will guide the path. The integral personality having strength and eye sight (vision) could solve the crisis to come out from mishap.
Similar is the case with business institutions. The school of management provides the modern education and make a personality with good eye sight (vision for the business) but in paralyzed condition. This is because, school of management provides self esteem (SE) no doubt but lagging in self control (SC) which is also required in day to day business.
The spirituality gives rise to a personality full of strength having no vision. It balances the emotional and intellectual aspects of mind because of inner education and generates energy without any vision. The energy is always blind provided the same is controlled. For example, the electricity (energy) is blind unless we provide the mechanism for its proper utility.
In case of business organization, the school of management represents the lame man personality, having vision but paralyzed condition due to lack of self control. However, intellectual aspects of mind are fully utilized by providing the curriculum of MBA. Likewise, spirituality represents the personality of blind man who has strength (energy) but no vision. But it provides the self control characteristics. When these two are blended together, a new personality is developed in the business organization to face the business crisis like a lame beggar and blind beggar succeeded. This shows the need of self esteem (SE) grown with the help of MBA and self control (SC) developed by inculcating spirituality at SOM.
The spirituality fulfills the responsibility of first level managers who are supposed to have intense responsibility of business, aiming high target to achieve and be competitive and aggressive in the business without being reactive, rejective and condemning nature. Likewise, spirituality inculcates the tolerance, acceptance & appreciative nature in the mind of senior managers.
It is worthwhile to note that whole personality of managers depends on balancing the intellectual and emotional aspects of mind. The self esteem is achieved with the help of MBA curriculum where as self control is achieved by inculcating the spiritual aspects while the managers are in training.
The utility of spirituality makes the hot tempered manager to calm down and maintain the good physical health. Similarly, the managers dominated by procrastination can overcome the same in due course if spiritual tools are followed.
How spiritual tools help the managers?
There are many spiritual tools which helps the manager to inculcate the spirituality while they are in action (job). The benefit derived from some of the spiritual tools is as follows:-
1) Science of breathing in action makes the managers to sustain the master (emotional) mind without having any grip of assistant (intellectual) mind.
2) Relaxation in action makes managers to move from negativity to positivity at 4 faculty of mind (Mana, Budhi, Ahamkara & Chitta level). The four faculty of mind is also known as inner instrument of human being. For example, alertness from pain to pleasure, selfish to self less attitude and rejection to acceptance are developed with the help of different relaxation tools described in the book.
3) Meditation in action gives rise to purity at mind stuff (Chitta), no mind at emotional and intellectual level and silence (not to have inner cry) at ego (Ahamkara) level. This helps to achieve the tremendous growth in the business.
Another important reason to have spirituality at SOM
The management is pointing to increase the productivity and profitability in industries and business world, keeping minimum number of creative employees. To meet the balance between less number of employee’s productions and profitability, more employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale among the employees.
For the obvious reason, if the managers or leaders are not trained or exposed about spirituality at SOM, they will not be in a position to implement the same in their workforces. That is why, spirituality should be inculcated at SOM first to balance the gross and subtle energy among the managers and then the same can be effectively implemented at works among the employees.
It is very interesting to recall the story of a lame man & a blind man, living in bushy area (small jungle) at the outskirt of a village having the same profession of begging. They were competitor to each other in begging profession. One day, there was a fire in jungle and they were forced to leave the area to reach the safest place in a village. But they were helpless as blind man cannot move without the help of other and lame man was not having strength to run around. They were perturbed & not knowing how to solve the crisis. A wise man was passing through the area and suggested them to make an integral personality so that both can come out of the fire and reach the safest place. The blind man was suggested to take the lame man (having eye sight) on his shoulder who will guide the path. The integral personality having strength and eye sight (vision) could solve the crisis to come out from mishap.
Similar is the case with business institutions. The school of management provides the modern education and make a personality with good eye sight (vision for the business) but in paralyzed condition. This is because, school of management provides self esteem (SE) no doubt but lagging in self control (SC) which is also required in day to day business.
The spirituality gives rise to a personality full of strength having no vision. It balances the emotional and intellectual aspects of mind because of inner education and generates energy without any vision. The energy is always blind provided the same is controlled. For example, the electricity (energy) is blind unless we provide the mechanism for its proper utility.
In case of business organization, the school of management represents the lame man personality, having vision but paralyzed condition due to lack of self control. However, intellectual aspects of mind are fully utilized by providing the curriculum of MBA. Likewise, spirituality represents the personality of blind man who has strength (energy) but no vision. But it provides the self control characteristics. When these two are blended together, a new personality is developed in the business organization to face the business crisis like a lame beggar and blind beggar succeeded. This shows the need of self esteem (SE) grown with the help of MBA and self control (SC) developed by inculcating spirituality at SOM.
The spirituality fulfills the responsibility of first level managers who are supposed to have intense responsibility of business, aiming high target to achieve and be competitive and aggressive in the business without being reactive, rejective and condemning nature. Likewise, spirituality inculcates the tolerance, acceptance & appreciative nature in the mind of senior managers.
It is worthwhile to note that whole personality of managers depends on balancing the intellectual and emotional aspects of mind. The self esteem is achieved with the help of MBA curriculum where as self control is achieved by inculcating the spiritual aspects while the managers are in training.
The utility of spirituality makes the hot tempered manager to calm down and maintain the good physical health. Similarly, the managers dominated by procrastination can overcome the same in due course if spiritual tools are followed.
How spiritual tools help the managers?
There are many spiritual tools which helps the manager to inculcate the spirituality while they are in action (job). The benefit derived from some of the spiritual tools is as follows:-
1) Science of breathing in action makes the managers to sustain the master (emotional) mind without having any grip of assistant (intellectual) mind.
2) Relaxation in action makes managers to move from negativity to positivity at 4 faculty of mind (Mana, Budhi, Ahamkara & Chitta level). The four faculty of mind is also known as inner instrument of human being. For example, alertness from pain to pleasure, selfish to self less attitude and rejection to acceptance are developed with the help of different relaxation tools described in the book.
3) Meditation in action gives rise to purity at mind stuff (Chitta), no mind at emotional and intellectual level and silence (not to have inner cry) at ego (Ahamkara) level. This helps to achieve the tremendous growth in the business.
Another important reason to have spirituality at SOM
The management is pointing to increase the productivity and profitability in industries and business world, keeping minimum number of creative employees. To meet the balance between less number of employee’s productions and profitability, more employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale among the employees.
For the obvious reason, if the managers or leaders are not trained or exposed about spirituality at SOM, they will not be in a position to implement the same in their workforces. That is why, spirituality should be inculcated at SOM first to balance the gross and subtle energy among the managers and then the same can be effectively implemented at works among the employees.
E) What is Spirituality in Business, Trade & Commerce
What is Spirituality in Business, Trade & Commerce
Spirituality is recognition of inner nature (subtle nature) which nourishes the meaningful activities that take place in the midst of community. The meaningful works provide the sense of connectedness between the work force (employees & managers) and communities / societies.
Spirituality provides an opportunity to detect the inner nature (if full of negative) which is to be nourished by means of meaningful activity which takes place in society. This means, the spirituality is recognition of inner nature to nourish or to get nourished by means of virtuous works prevailing in the society.
Spirituality is the process of developing discipline in life; increasing dedication in intellectual ability at field of work; harness to determinative capability in respect of receptivity, concentration and creativity .During interaction, it develops the sharpening sense of compassion, kindness & forgiveness.
Spirituality is defined as the process of perceiving our own dimensions in respect of i) Intellectual aspects ii) Emotional aspects iii) Possibility of exploring skill, idea, capability & knowledge. All these aspects manifest with the help of different energy system. That is why, spirituality defined by Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW) is the perseverance of different types of energy available within us in the form of a) physical energy b) subtle energy & c) sharpening energy (energy of consciousness). For maximum utilization of each energy, we have to balance them for materialistic as well as the spiritual growth.
For instance, if the energy required for manifestation at physical & mental level is not adequate and balanced; there will be mismatch in our personality, behavioral pattern and action. Our head, heart & hand will deliver the unwanted or unacceptable results in the business organization. The managers will not be jubilant, joyful and loving in nature.
Purpose of spirituality
The purpose of spirituality is to provide the clarity among head, hand & heart for best possible output. For example, the manager, who is intellect but poor in emotional balance, will often be moody, poor in interpersonal relationship and isolated type; where as, another manager, who is having poor intellect but balance in emotional aspects, will have always fear of loosing position, poor in leadership and more extrovert type. The spirituality provides the ways to balance the gross & subtle energy (moody & fearful aspects) and to blend an integral personality. The topic “Spirituality at SOM” is most relevant to expose the MBA aspirants for obtaining the balanced & integral personality.
Separating the negative from the positive; selecting and holding onto the positive is also the purpose of spirituality. Rejection of the negative views and connection with the positive thoughts has to take place with the help of relaxation and other techniques of spirituality. The relaxed action follows positivity. This awareness has to be inculcated in management. However, the spirituality should be segregated from the religious concepts so as to strengthen the moral, ethnic and virtuous values applicable at family, friends & relatives; at field of work and also for self development.
What is Spirituality in Business?
Spirituality is the personal values of honesty, integrity, and good quality work of employees and managers. Management can treat its co-workers and employees in a responsible, loving and caring way under spiritual umbrella. It makes the conducive atmosphere between employees and employer. Spirituality makes the managers and employees socially responsible.
One meaning of spirituality is the relation with God (divinity), which can be acquired by transcending the mind. This is higher evolution of mind and is difficult. This meaning of spirituality cannot work with the business, trade and commercial transaction. This is because, business means gain in monetary (Artha) and fulfillment of selfish motto.
The second meaning of spirituality refers to the best human capacity to transform immediate circumstances by using positive thinking, inculcating moral, ethnic and virtuous values along with self esteem. This will bring the tremendous change in business administration to sustain the business growth without any failure.
This meaning of spirituality is very valid for business administration, because the development of required human values is related to mind (subtle energy). To be spiritual in business means to exercise best possible inner (subtle) dimensions of human nature
Importance of Spirituality in school of management
i) It is an awareness of how to compete against whom, where, when & what, arising due to interaction with the people. ii) Spirituality at business develops the IQ & EQ of the manager and provides the balance concept of SQ.
iii) The managers having well balanced and peaceful mind will have the pituitary gland in positive growth. The disturbed mind will try to deteriorate the development of pituitary gland, which leads to failure. That is why, spirituality in business is very much needed to stop the deterioration of the gland of managers to sustain the business in long run.
iv) There is growing awareness of spirituality in context with global reforms in all over the world. This can be used for effective corporate governance.
Spirituality is recognition of inner nature (subtle nature) which nourishes the meaningful activities that take place in the midst of community. The meaningful works provide the sense of connectedness between the work force (employees & managers) and communities / societies.
Spirituality provides an opportunity to detect the inner nature (if full of negative) which is to be nourished by means of meaningful activity which takes place in society. This means, the spirituality is recognition of inner nature to nourish or to get nourished by means of virtuous works prevailing in the society.
Spirituality is the process of developing discipline in life; increasing dedication in intellectual ability at field of work; harness to determinative capability in respect of receptivity, concentration and creativity .During interaction, it develops the sharpening sense of compassion, kindness & forgiveness.
Spirituality is defined as the process of perceiving our own dimensions in respect of i) Intellectual aspects ii) Emotional aspects iii) Possibility of exploring skill, idea, capability & knowledge. All these aspects manifest with the help of different energy system. That is why, spirituality defined by Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW) is the perseverance of different types of energy available within us in the form of a) physical energy b) subtle energy & c) sharpening energy (energy of consciousness). For maximum utilization of each energy, we have to balance them for materialistic as well as the spiritual growth.
For instance, if the energy required for manifestation at physical & mental level is not adequate and balanced; there will be mismatch in our personality, behavioral pattern and action. Our head, heart & hand will deliver the unwanted or unacceptable results in the business organization. The managers will not be jubilant, joyful and loving in nature.
Purpose of spirituality
The purpose of spirituality is to provide the clarity among head, hand & heart for best possible output. For example, the manager, who is intellect but poor in emotional balance, will often be moody, poor in interpersonal relationship and isolated type; where as, another manager, who is having poor intellect but balance in emotional aspects, will have always fear of loosing position, poor in leadership and more extrovert type. The spirituality provides the ways to balance the gross & subtle energy (moody & fearful aspects) and to blend an integral personality. The topic “Spirituality at SOM” is most relevant to expose the MBA aspirants for obtaining the balanced & integral personality.
Separating the negative from the positive; selecting and holding onto the positive is also the purpose of spirituality. Rejection of the negative views and connection with the positive thoughts has to take place with the help of relaxation and other techniques of spirituality. The relaxed action follows positivity. This awareness has to be inculcated in management. However, the spirituality should be segregated from the religious concepts so as to strengthen the moral, ethnic and virtuous values applicable at family, friends & relatives; at field of work and also for self development.
What is Spirituality in Business?
Spirituality is the personal values of honesty, integrity, and good quality work of employees and managers. Management can treat its co-workers and employees in a responsible, loving and caring way under spiritual umbrella. It makes the conducive atmosphere between employees and employer. Spirituality makes the managers and employees socially responsible.
One meaning of spirituality is the relation with God (divinity), which can be acquired by transcending the mind. This is higher evolution of mind and is difficult. This meaning of spirituality cannot work with the business, trade and commercial transaction. This is because, business means gain in monetary (Artha) and fulfillment of selfish motto.
The second meaning of spirituality refers to the best human capacity to transform immediate circumstances by using positive thinking, inculcating moral, ethnic and virtuous values along with self esteem. This will bring the tremendous change in business administration to sustain the business growth without any failure.
This meaning of spirituality is very valid for business administration, because the development of required human values is related to mind (subtle energy). To be spiritual in business means to exercise best possible inner (subtle) dimensions of human nature
Importance of Spirituality in school of management
i) It is an awareness of how to compete against whom, where, when & what, arising due to interaction with the people. ii) Spirituality at business develops the IQ & EQ of the manager and provides the balance concept of SQ.
iii) The managers having well balanced and peaceful mind will have the pituitary gland in positive growth. The disturbed mind will try to deteriorate the development of pituitary gland, which leads to failure. That is why, spirituality in business is very much needed to stop the deterioration of the gland of managers to sustain the business in long run.
iv) There is growing awareness of spirituality in context with global reforms in all over the world. This can be used for effective corporate governance.
D) Why MNC falls
Why MNC or any business institutions fail?
It reminds me a story of a king and his faithful prime minister who served him many years and saved the king’s life at many occasions. Once, the king was in jubilant mood and asked the prime minister for the reward of his services. Prime minister thanked the king for rewarding him and said that he was too happy to serve the king without having desire of any rewards. The king insisted him, and then ultimately prime minister agreed to have a reward of being the king of that kingdom for 24 hours (one day) and let the king become prime minister for that day. It was easy for the king to accept this reward and he declared prime minister to be the king of that kingdom for a day.
As soon as the prime minister became the king, he ordered to kill the then prime minister (old king). The newly appointed prime minister (old king) asked the present king the reason behind of his killing. The king said that your negative aspects like reaction, rejection, condemnation & hatredness started working in my mind (present king’s mind) and consequently he had ordered the sentence of death to then prime minister. The moral of the story states that in a management scenario, the respective hierarchy should be maintained in business institutions. However, they should have the sense of team work by keeping shoulders together to carry out others responsibility but under individual’s limitation.
Whenever, the responsibility of CEO is grabbed by junior managers to prove their enthusiasm, dedication & commitment (like prime minister, the assistant of the king did), the mishap or failure happens. Similar is the case when CEO indulges with the work of CMD. Spirituality suggests that each individual has to take up the complete responsibility and work like a master not like a slave. However, they should get involved as helping hands in each other work but should not get indulged beyond their limitations.
The reason for failure will be more clear by taking an analogy of chariot, charioteer and horses which drive the chariot. They represent the goal of the business, master mind and assistant mind respectively. In successful business management scenario, the chariot, being goal of the business organization, is driven by horses (assistant mind or junior managers) under the control of charioteer (senior manager or CEO). When charioteer is in sleep or his mind is not focused on the business, the goal (chariot) can fall in a ditch. At that moment, charioteer (CEO or senior manager) may blame the planner of the organization or beat or scold the horses (junior managers). But the reason for failure or the missing link is in between charioteer & the horses (CEO & junior managers).
Spirituality suggests that each individual / manager has two types of mind namely i) master mind, known as emotional mind & ii) assistant mind, known as intellectual mind. Each one is represented by right lobe & left lobe of the brain respectively. Unless both are balanced and functioning in harmony, there are plenty of reasons to face the failure in business organizations. The purpose of the spirituality is to harmonize the intellectual & emotional mind.
Spirituality also points out the importance of intellectual & emotional mind and how to blend them to achieve the integral personality of manager.
As intellectual mind will guide how to take up the intense responsibility, how to bear with high target of the business and how to be aggressive & competitive without having reaction, rejection, condemnation and hatred ness while interacting with senior managers. At the same time, they (first level or middle level managers) will have good listening ability, better absorption capability, concentration & creativity.
Similarly, emotional mind gives rise to tolerance, acceptance, appreciation and sense of compassion to senior managers or CEO so that their interactions with the seniors and also with the juniors will be fruitful.
Another reason of failure is to have shaky foundation of moral, ethnic & virtuous human values. This is because, they are based on educational, economical, cultural & environmental aspects of day to day life. In case of business crisis or business fraud, the human values are ignored by the management people. The related values such as integrity, honesty, transparency & accountability are not properly taken care at the time of fraud. How ever, spirituality provides the concrete foundation for the same (human values).
The book describes the related approach to establish these values and how to balance the intellectual as well as emotional faculty of mind to minimize such kind of mishap.
It reminds me a story of a king and his faithful prime minister who served him many years and saved the king’s life at many occasions. Once, the king was in jubilant mood and asked the prime minister for the reward of his services. Prime minister thanked the king for rewarding him and said that he was too happy to serve the king without having desire of any rewards. The king insisted him, and then ultimately prime minister agreed to have a reward of being the king of that kingdom for 24 hours (one day) and let the king become prime minister for that day. It was easy for the king to accept this reward and he declared prime minister to be the king of that kingdom for a day.
As soon as the prime minister became the king, he ordered to kill the then prime minister (old king). The newly appointed prime minister (old king) asked the present king the reason behind of his killing. The king said that your negative aspects like reaction, rejection, condemnation & hatredness started working in my mind (present king’s mind) and consequently he had ordered the sentence of death to then prime minister. The moral of the story states that in a management scenario, the respective hierarchy should be maintained in business institutions. However, they should have the sense of team work by keeping shoulders together to carry out others responsibility but under individual’s limitation.
Whenever, the responsibility of CEO is grabbed by junior managers to prove their enthusiasm, dedication & commitment (like prime minister, the assistant of the king did), the mishap or failure happens. Similar is the case when CEO indulges with the work of CMD. Spirituality suggests that each individual has to take up the complete responsibility and work like a master not like a slave. However, they should get involved as helping hands in each other work but should not get indulged beyond their limitations.
The reason for failure will be more clear by taking an analogy of chariot, charioteer and horses which drive the chariot. They represent the goal of the business, master mind and assistant mind respectively. In successful business management scenario, the chariot, being goal of the business organization, is driven by horses (assistant mind or junior managers) under the control of charioteer (senior manager or CEO). When charioteer is in sleep or his mind is not focused on the business, the goal (chariot) can fall in a ditch. At that moment, charioteer (CEO or senior manager) may blame the planner of the organization or beat or scold the horses (junior managers). But the reason for failure or the missing link is in between charioteer & the horses (CEO & junior managers).
Spirituality suggests that each individual / manager has two types of mind namely i) master mind, known as emotional mind & ii) assistant mind, known as intellectual mind. Each one is represented by right lobe & left lobe of the brain respectively. Unless both are balanced and functioning in harmony, there are plenty of reasons to face the failure in business organizations. The purpose of the spirituality is to harmonize the intellectual & emotional mind.
Spirituality also points out the importance of intellectual & emotional mind and how to blend them to achieve the integral personality of manager.
As intellectual mind will guide how to take up the intense responsibility, how to bear with high target of the business and how to be aggressive & competitive without having reaction, rejection, condemnation and hatred ness while interacting with senior managers. At the same time, they (first level or middle level managers) will have good listening ability, better absorption capability, concentration & creativity.
Similarly, emotional mind gives rise to tolerance, acceptance, appreciation and sense of compassion to senior managers or CEO so that their interactions with the seniors and also with the juniors will be fruitful.
Another reason of failure is to have shaky foundation of moral, ethnic & virtuous human values. This is because, they are based on educational, economical, cultural & environmental aspects of day to day life. In case of business crisis or business fraud, the human values are ignored by the management people. The related values such as integrity, honesty, transparency & accountability are not properly taken care at the time of fraud. How ever, spirituality provides the concrete foundation for the same (human values).
The book describes the related approach to establish these values and how to balance the intellectual as well as emotional faculty of mind to minimize such kind of mishap.
C) How this book is innovative
Foundation of the book entitled “Spirituality at School of Management (SOM)”.
The Ancient Indian Management (based on Vedic principles) shows the three tier management system. For instance, the Mourya dynasty was effectively managed by Chanakya (management guru), Chandra Gupta (king / master of management) and prime minister of Mourya dynasty (assistant of the master). The three tier concept was evolved based on the functions of three kinds of energy possessed by every individual.
Modern physics has discovered that matter is energy. The greatest contribution of Albert Einstein shows that even the solid rock is a pulsating energy. The rock has as much energy as the roaring ocean. The waves of the solid rock cannot be seen because they are very subtle. Mind is a little more subtle, but still not too subtle, because we can close our eyes and we can see the thoughts moving. Another dimension of energy, known as gross dimension, consisting physical body. Our body is visible to everybody.
The third, the ultimate layer inside us, is that of consciousness. It is not even visible to us. If all these three energies function in harmony, we are healthy and whole. If these energies don't function in harmony then we are ill, unhealthy. Consciousness is the purest energy. The mind is not so pure; the body is still less pure. But we can know this consciousness only if we make a cosmos out of the three.
The Ancient Indian Management has evolved the concept based on the dominating energy possessed by the master, assistant and management guru. For instance, a person evolved upto the level of conscious energy is fit for management guru where as the master has to evolve upto emotional aspects of mind. Similarly, the assistant of the master should have the growth of intellectual mind related to mental energy.
Let us take the analogy of chariot, charioteer and horses. The chariot represents the gross dimension (physical dimension) responsible for maintaining five systems of body; the charioteer represents the mental dimension (emotional aspects of mind) and horses represent the other aspects (intellectual dimension) of mind. If charioteer (master) and horses (assistants of the master) are functioning harmoniously the chariot can be driven successfully without falling into a ditch. This insures that there won’t be any psycho somatic cases.
Effectively, the management is fully controlled with the help of master mind and his assistant. This means that there should be full evolution in respect of emotional aspects and intellectual aspects of mind but they should not indulge in the negative aspects of others evolved energy. For example, the master of management (CEO and senior managers) should have the control of negative aspects of emotions like reaction, rejection, condemnation and hatred ness. At the same time, they should possess the positive aspects of emotions like tolerance, acceptance and appreciation. Likewise, first level manager should possess the positive aspects of intellectual mind like being a good listener, good receptiveness and absorption ability, growth in concentration and creativity.
The first level manager (assistant of the master of management) needs to develop the intellectual aspects of mind and should also have the exposure of emotional aspects of mind. Normally, intellectual aspect of mind provides the growth of self esteem (SE) of managers and emotional aspect of mind provides the growth of self control (SC). The self esteem is achieved with the help of modern education like MBA training and self control can be achieved with the help of inculcation of spiritual concepts.
Likewise, the senior managers and CEO has to have the domination of self control (originates from emotional aspects of mind), also known as master mind. If it is vice versa, that becomes the reason for failure of MNC. This indicates whenever an organization or MNC is dominated by low level managers (assistant of the master) and higher level managers (master mind) are passive, there is a chance of mismanagement in the organization.
How the book is innovative?
This innovative book brings out the concept of spirituality in the form of energy manifesting at hand, head & heart level. This is quite different than the concepts of spirituality followed elsewhere (in most parts of the world). In present day scenario of many financial frauds and set back in MNC, the necessity of spirituality is felt essential so as to concretize the foundation of business ethics. The book brings out the salient features of spirituality, its importance and applications at SOM.
The book explains the problem solving approach related to business reforms, controlling factors of mixed economy, reduction of employee’s strength in management and improving the sense of creativity of the existing employees.
The Ancient Indian Management (based on Vedic principles) shows the three tier management system. For instance, the Mourya dynasty was effectively managed by Chanakya (management guru), Chandra Gupta (king / master of management) and prime minister of Mourya dynasty (assistant of the master). The three tier concept was evolved based on the functions of three kinds of energy possessed by every individual.
Modern physics has discovered that matter is energy. The greatest contribution of Albert Einstein shows that even the solid rock is a pulsating energy. The rock has as much energy as the roaring ocean. The waves of the solid rock cannot be seen because they are very subtle. Mind is a little more subtle, but still not too subtle, because we can close our eyes and we can see the thoughts moving. Another dimension of energy, known as gross dimension, consisting physical body. Our body is visible to everybody.
The third, the ultimate layer inside us, is that of consciousness. It is not even visible to us. If all these three energies function in harmony, we are healthy and whole. If these energies don't function in harmony then we are ill, unhealthy. Consciousness is the purest energy. The mind is not so pure; the body is still less pure. But we can know this consciousness only if we make a cosmos out of the three.
The Ancient Indian Management has evolved the concept based on the dominating energy possessed by the master, assistant and management guru. For instance, a person evolved upto the level of conscious energy is fit for management guru where as the master has to evolve upto emotional aspects of mind. Similarly, the assistant of the master should have the growth of intellectual mind related to mental energy.
Let us take the analogy of chariot, charioteer and horses. The chariot represents the gross dimension (physical dimension) responsible for maintaining five systems of body; the charioteer represents the mental dimension (emotional aspects of mind) and horses represent the other aspects (intellectual dimension) of mind. If charioteer (master) and horses (assistants of the master) are functioning harmoniously the chariot can be driven successfully without falling into a ditch. This insures that there won’t be any psycho somatic cases.
Effectively, the management is fully controlled with the help of master mind and his assistant. This means that there should be full evolution in respect of emotional aspects and intellectual aspects of mind but they should not indulge in the negative aspects of others evolved energy. For example, the master of management (CEO and senior managers) should have the control of negative aspects of emotions like reaction, rejection, condemnation and hatred ness. At the same time, they should possess the positive aspects of emotions like tolerance, acceptance and appreciation. Likewise, first level manager should possess the positive aspects of intellectual mind like being a good listener, good receptiveness and absorption ability, growth in concentration and creativity.
The first level manager (assistant of the master of management) needs to develop the intellectual aspects of mind and should also have the exposure of emotional aspects of mind. Normally, intellectual aspect of mind provides the growth of self esteem (SE) of managers and emotional aspect of mind provides the growth of self control (SC). The self esteem is achieved with the help of modern education like MBA training and self control can be achieved with the help of inculcation of spiritual concepts.
Likewise, the senior managers and CEO has to have the domination of self control (originates from emotional aspects of mind), also known as master mind. If it is vice versa, that becomes the reason for failure of MNC. This indicates whenever an organization or MNC is dominated by low level managers (assistant of the master) and higher level managers (master mind) are passive, there is a chance of mismanagement in the organization.
How the book is innovative?
This innovative book brings out the concept of spirituality in the form of energy manifesting at hand, head & heart level. This is quite different than the concepts of spirituality followed elsewhere (in most parts of the world). In present day scenario of many financial frauds and set back in MNC, the necessity of spirituality is felt essential so as to concretize the foundation of business ethics. The book brings out the salient features of spirituality, its importance and applications at SOM.
The book explains the problem solving approach related to business reforms, controlling factors of mixed economy, reduction of employee’s strength in management and improving the sense of creativity of the existing employees.
A) Resume of ANP
Brief Resume of Shri A.N. Pandey (Author)
Shri A.N. Pandey, graduate in Mechanical Engineering (1969), Post Graduate with “Honours” in “Analysis and Design of Process Equipment” (1971) and Post Graduate Diploma in “Business Administration”, worked as Senior Scientific Officer / Engineer in Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) since 1972. He retired from the service in January 2006.
During his service, Shri Pandey was responsible for executing the various projects of the department and he acquired wide experience & expertise in the field of project management. Also, he was responsible for operating and maintaining the chemi nuclear plant in DAE.
Since 1976, he was equally interested in acquiring the knowledge & experience of “Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW)” through reputed institutions of India in the field of Spirituality. He worked & developed a spiritual (vedantic) model in association with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri; while he was performing his technical responsibilities. After the retirement, he also got associated with YSS (Yogda Sat Sang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai; & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
Shri Pandey has gone through many systems of spirituality in depth so as to acquire the easy methods available in each of these systems, which can be used by the business people for materialistic gain as well as to follow the further process of evolution.
It is important to note that each system available in India has many useful concepts for strengthening the growth of business management and the same can be utilized to transform the employees in positive direction at field of work.
Based on his experience gained in the field of Spirituality, Shri Pandey has developed many packages such as “personality development for student”, “personality development for professional” and “professional development for manager”. He has also developed the packages for stress management, anger management, resistivity management, leadership, self motivation, time & mind management and communication skills in the background of spirituality (Yoga & Vedanta).
Since 1999, he is engaged in delivering the talk cum demonstration on self improvement, change in life style, self motivation and also on inner education based on the experience gained from Ancient Indian Wisdom.
Shri Pandey is engaged in compiling his experience in the form of books on spirituality and business management taking simple but effective concepts. He visualized many simple and effective techniques such as science of breathing, development of subtle inner personality, relaxation in action and meditation in action by taking the themes of spirituality.
His innovative book “Spirituality at School Of Management (SOM)” is ready for publication.
Other books namely i) “Spirituality for ICT(Information & Communication Technology)” ii) “Spirituality at R & D” iii) “Spiritual answers for FAQ on Management” iv) “Spirituality for every one” v) “Spirituality speaks on scientific achievement of western world” & vi) “Spirituality for politician” are under conceptual and preliminary draft stage.
Shri A.N. Pandey, graduate in Mechanical Engineering (1969), Post Graduate with “Honours” in “Analysis and Design of Process Equipment” (1971) and Post Graduate Diploma in “Business Administration”, worked as Senior Scientific Officer / Engineer in Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) since 1972. He retired from the service in January 2006.
During his service, Shri Pandey was responsible for executing the various projects of the department and he acquired wide experience & expertise in the field of project management. Also, he was responsible for operating and maintaining the chemi nuclear plant in DAE.
Since 1976, he was equally interested in acquiring the knowledge & experience of “Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW)” through reputed institutions of India in the field of Spirituality. He worked & developed a spiritual (vedantic) model in association with Swami Vivekananda Kendra, Bangalore (Deemed University in Yoga & its application); Bihar School of Yoga, Mungher (First University of Yogic Philosophy in the World); Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY), Coimbatore; and Vipassana Meditation, Igatpuri; while he was performing his technical responsibilities. After the retirement, he also got associated with YSS (Yogda Sat Sang Society), Ranchi; Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu; Isha foundation, Chennai; & Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
Shri Pandey has gone through many systems of spirituality in depth so as to acquire the easy methods available in each of these systems, which can be used by the business people for materialistic gain as well as to follow the further process of evolution.
It is important to note that each system available in India has many useful concepts for strengthening the growth of business management and the same can be utilized to transform the employees in positive direction at field of work.
Based on his experience gained in the field of Spirituality, Shri Pandey has developed many packages such as “personality development for student”, “personality development for professional” and “professional development for manager”. He has also developed the packages for stress management, anger management, resistivity management, leadership, self motivation, time & mind management and communication skills in the background of spirituality (Yoga & Vedanta).
Since 1999, he is engaged in delivering the talk cum demonstration on self improvement, change in life style, self motivation and also on inner education based on the experience gained from Ancient Indian Wisdom.
Shri Pandey is engaged in compiling his experience in the form of books on spirituality and business management taking simple but effective concepts. He visualized many simple and effective techniques such as science of breathing, development of subtle inner personality, relaxation in action and meditation in action by taking the themes of spirituality.
His innovative book “Spirituality at School Of Management (SOM)” is ready for publication.
Other books namely i) “Spirituality for ICT(Information & Communication Technology)” ii) “Spirituality at R & D” iii) “Spiritual answers for FAQ on Management” iv) “Spirituality for every one” v) “Spirituality speaks on scientific achievement of western world” & vi) “Spirituality for politician” are under conceptual and preliminary draft stage.
B) The reasons for proposing a new book in this area
The reasons for proposing a new book in this area
Swami Vivekananda wanted spirituality to be brought out from the forest to the door step of each and every individual so that he or she becomes more enthusiastic, dedicated and committed to the professions for achieving better growth of the society in positive direction.
This has inspired the author to explore the related facts existing in Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW) by which common men or professionals can develop their personalities and can contribute towards the growth of economical, educational, cultural and environmental aspects of the society.
He has made an attempt to bring out the simple concepts available in scriptures and also prevailing in existing spiritual institutions like i) Swami Vivekananda yoga Anusandhan samstha, Bangalore (deemed university in yoga & its applications) ii) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) , Coimbatore iii) Bihar School of Yoga, Munghyer (The first university of yoga in the world) iv) Vipassana, Igatpuri v) YSS, Ranchi vi) Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu vii) Isha Foundation, Chennai viii) Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
He has gone in depth of each spiritual system in order to find out the simplest and easiest methods (paths) available for the development of common mass as well as professionals to have balanced growth in them.
Existing yogic institutions along with AIW scriptures inspired author finally to bring out Spirituality in the form of energy at three different levels in human beings. This is because, spirituality is the awareness of self; means awareness of what universally we possess. Human beings possess body, mind & spirit and the functions of these parts of the human system need minimum required energy of different quality. Hence, AIW and other spiritual institutions define spirituality in terms of the awareness of different levels of energy.
It is observed that the development of awareness is proportional to passiveness and receptiveness of an individual; which in turn is proportional to the relaxation of mind and lower frequency of brain. In other words, intensity of awareness directly depends on the quality and magnitude of energy at body and mind’s level. The manifestations of energy at body and mind’s level are the main factors for understanding the real meaning of spirituality in materialistic world.
The book describes about 1) what is spirituality? 2) different views of experts on spirituality (including views of HBS) 3) why business organizations fail?4) the important role of “School of Management” (SOM) 5) how business, trade & commerce get affected because of imbalance of two energies? 6) why spirituality is needed in SOM? 7) What kind of task the energy at body level does? 8) What kind of action the energy does at mind level? 9) Purpose of spirituality 10) how to enhance the energy at body and mind’s level? 11) Why spirituality has become so popular, especially in business world? 12) How to inculcate spirituality? 13) spirituality and its advantage 14) spirituality and religion 15) spiritual tools.
The management is pointing to increase the productivity and profitability in industries and business world, keeping minimum number of creative employees. To meet the balance between less number of employee’s productions and profitability, more employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale among the employees.
The book reveals the secret spiritual approach for achieving top rank in the respective field of business. The spiritual approach has to be followed in two steps namely i) balancing the gross & subtle energy & ii) blending these two energies (known as sharpening them). The blending approach can be understood thoroughly by an example of a blind & a lame man who wanted to enjoy the fruits of trade fair in nearby village. Another example of blending two forms of energy is illustrated by the working attitude of wood cutters who often use to sharpen the tooth of the blades after balancing the tension in it. The similar steps (2 steps) are adopted by the toppers of the Olympic Games. They balance the energy first and then they sharpen their energies with the help of exploring the extra possibility existing in them. The spirituality elaborates how to balance these two energies among managers and professionals while they are in jobs (actions).
For the obvious reason, if the managers or leaders are not trained or exposed to the spirituality in SOM, they will not be in position to implement the same at their workforces. That is why, spirituality should be inculcated at SOM first to balance the gross and subtle energy among the managers and then the same can be effectively implemented at works (among the employees).
Swami Vivekananda wanted spirituality to be brought out from the forest to the door step of each and every individual so that he or she becomes more enthusiastic, dedicated and committed to the professions for achieving better growth of the society in positive direction.
This has inspired the author to explore the related facts existing in Ancient Indian Wisdom (AIW) by which common men or professionals can develop their personalities and can contribute towards the growth of economical, educational, cultural and environmental aspects of the society.
He has made an attempt to bring out the simple concepts available in scriptures and also prevailing in existing spiritual institutions like i) Swami Vivekananda yoga Anusandhan samstha, Bangalore (deemed university in yoga & its applications) ii) Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) , Coimbatore iii) Bihar School of Yoga, Munghyer (The first university of yoga in the world) iv) Vipassana, Igatpuri v) YSS, Ranchi vi) Brahma Kumari, Mount Abu vii) Isha Foundation, Chennai viii) Nitya nanda Dhyana Peetham, Bangalore.
He has gone in depth of each spiritual system in order to find out the simplest and easiest methods (paths) available for the development of common mass as well as professionals to have balanced growth in them.
Existing yogic institutions along with AIW scriptures inspired author finally to bring out Spirituality in the form of energy at three different levels in human beings. This is because, spirituality is the awareness of self; means awareness of what universally we possess. Human beings possess body, mind & spirit and the functions of these parts of the human system need minimum required energy of different quality. Hence, AIW and other spiritual institutions define spirituality in terms of the awareness of different levels of energy.
It is observed that the development of awareness is proportional to passiveness and receptiveness of an individual; which in turn is proportional to the relaxation of mind and lower frequency of brain. In other words, intensity of awareness directly depends on the quality and magnitude of energy at body and mind’s level. The manifestations of energy at body and mind’s level are the main factors for understanding the real meaning of spirituality in materialistic world.
The book describes about 1) what is spirituality? 2) different views of experts on spirituality (including views of HBS) 3) why business organizations fail?4) the important role of “School of Management” (SOM) 5) how business, trade & commerce get affected because of imbalance of two energies? 6) why spirituality is needed in SOM? 7) What kind of task the energy at body level does? 8) What kind of action the energy does at mind level? 9) Purpose of spirituality 10) how to enhance the energy at body and mind’s level? 11) Why spirituality has become so popular, especially in business world? 12) How to inculcate spirituality? 13) spirituality and its advantage 14) spirituality and religion 15) spiritual tools.
The management is pointing to increase the productivity and profitability in industries and business world, keeping minimum number of creative employees. To meet the balance between less number of employee’s productions and profitability, more employers are encouraging spirituality as a way to boost loyalty and enhance morale among the employees.
The book reveals the secret spiritual approach for achieving top rank in the respective field of business. The spiritual approach has to be followed in two steps namely i) balancing the gross & subtle energy & ii) blending these two energies (known as sharpening them). The blending approach can be understood thoroughly by an example of a blind & a lame man who wanted to enjoy the fruits of trade fair in nearby village. Another example of blending two forms of energy is illustrated by the working attitude of wood cutters who often use to sharpen the tooth of the blades after balancing the tension in it. The similar steps (2 steps) are adopted by the toppers of the Olympic Games. They balance the energy first and then they sharpen their energies with the help of exploring the extra possibility existing in them. The spirituality elaborates how to balance these two energies among managers and professionals while they are in jobs (actions).
For the obvious reason, if the managers or leaders are not trained or exposed to the spirituality in SOM, they will not be in position to implement the same at their workforces. That is why, spirituality should be inculcated at SOM first to balance the gross and subtle energy among the managers and then the same can be effectively implemented at works (among the employees).
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